Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My Birthday

As the title implies, today is my birthday. As I write this around 6PM in the evening, I can only recall maybe 3 times today when I reminded myself that it was indeed my birthday. Two of those times were when a family member called to wish me a happy birthday. I am grateful for everyone remembering but in the grand scheme of things, it's just another day at the office which is fine with me. While I was recently promoted at my job, it didn't actually occur on my birthday so technically it doesn't count in breaking the monotony of my birthday workday. The time of the promotion was close--27 hours close.

Awe hell, it counts. Who am I kidding?

Another reason that this birthday doesn't seem like a big deal is that my age--33--isn't a real sexy number. For starters, I'm not a big fan of odd numbers past 9. 11, 13, 19, 21, 27...not a fan of any of them. I don't know why this is. It just is.

Age number 32 was good. 30 was equally good. 34 will also be a memorable birthday simply because it's an even number. 33? Nope, it really doesn't represent anything. It's not a 21st birthday filled with drunken activities. Its not the 30th which ceremoniously signifies that you are an adult and that you should grow up and accept your move to adulthood even though your reluctance to do so becomes the driving force behind your behavior for the first few months afterward. (Was that a run-on sentence?)

I had a nice breakfast with my wife and son so we had quality family time which amounted to about 55 minutes but quality time nonetheless. Nathan drew me a nice birthday card which he was very proud of. A good time for all.

But what would make me forget that my age will be an odd number at 8:58 EST? Lots of cash. So just go ahead and back up the Brinks truck to my doorstep and just let the C-notes flow right into my living room. A beer will do in the mean time.



    I know EXACTLY how you feel. But lemme tell ya, you think 33 is a crappy birthday, wait until you hit 39.
    Not only is it the suckiest of odd numbers, it doesn't get any better the next year when 40 hits.
    Now there's a number that's not sexy, no matter how you put it!

    Congrats on the promotion as well!

  2. Happy birthday from all of us at The Colonel T Show. We'd like to know the nature of your promotion. The website for your place of work had no information.

    FYI and completely unrelated...a YouTube search of "Dick Goddard" bring up all sorts of stuff. It was a great trip down memory lane.

  3. “33” has major ramifications and should not be underestimated.

    It’s nearly a third, but not precisely… as you well know.

    For those of the glass-is-half-full mentality, it’s 66 years or so left if things go well.

    For those of the glass-is-half-empty mentality, it’s roughly 33 years to get your retirement funds in order.

    With less finalty, yet high importance, 33 1/3 is the magical speed of vinyl spinning and sounding it’s tracks.

    You’ll reach that magical RPM match in July I spose.

    For me, 33 is huge.

    But, I don’t like odd numbers either. Unless they are prime… which, 33, as you well know, is not.

    You won’t find odd numbers in my 7 day forecast. Ever.

  4. And happy birthday, my good man.

  5. AND... you're still too young to run for Prez. So start gathering support now... you'll have to wait until 2012.

    Ohio's a swing state... good to be a Buckeye.


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