Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Are 60 and 70 Degree Days in November Increasing?

November stands out in my experience as one of the most changeable weather months. The Polar Jet Stream is getting stronger and pushing south while the leftover pockets of summer warmth still remain across the country.  Cold fronts become more defined due to the sharp temperature differences along them. Wild swings of nearly 40 degrees in the span of 24 hours in not unheard of.  For example, back in 2005, the high on November 16th was 67 degrees. The high the following day was.....29!

All of that said, are these 60+ degree days in November become more common?

Let's split up the month into two halves. The chart below shows the 60+ degree days from November 1st to the 15th since 1980. The average per year is 4.4 days.

The 60+ degree days for the last half of November is obviously much lower. A third of the time we don't even have temps above 60!

If we split up the time showing the average since 1995 vs 1995 back to 1980 from November 1st thru the 15th, we show a decrease...

If we split up the time showing the average since 1995 vs 1995 back to 1980 from November 15th thru the 30th, we show the average remains fairly steady...

So are 60+ degree days in November increasing? Based on these numbers, no discernible trend upward over the last 30+ years is noticeable.  So goes our up and down November weather patterns in Cleveland!


  1. Good job and very good info Scott, the people need to be able to see the truth about the climate and that the facts show that the climate is stable and we are not burning up and the sky is not falling.
    Scott do a review of the ice core records from Vostok Antarctica and the 430,000 years of normal but extreme climate and weather cycles the world goes through. The normal warm and cold stages and how we are now in a normal warm period and should be very glad for it. Thx Ziggie

  2. Good job and very good info Scott, the people need to be able to see the truth about the climate and that the facts show that the climate is stable and we are not burning up and the sky is not falling.
    Scott do a review of the ice core records from Vostok Antarctica and the 430,000 years of normal but extreme climate and weather cycles the world goes through. The normal warm and cold stages and how we are now in a normal warm period and should be very glad for it. Thx Ziggie


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