Friday, July 15, 2016

Preliminary WINTER 2016-17 Outlook

My HIGHLY Preliminary WINTER 2016-17 outlook showing the average temperatures for DECEMBER THROUGH FEBRUARY.  Yes it's early and no, its not too late to gather the pieces. This is will be revised later this summer and again in the fall.

It is looking more likely that a weak La Nina (this post back in early June describes La Nina) will be the driver from the tropics this upcoming winter. Last winter, we had a very strong El Nino.

Take a close look at the snowfall numbers vs the 30 year average for these LA NINA years. I put this graphic together in early June.  HINT...HINT!

Again, all of this is HIGHLY PRELIMINARY and will need to be updated in the fall. This is why no specifics are indicated just general thoughts.

Snowfall departures below are snowfall amounts vs the 30 year average in past La Nina winters


  1. Thanks Scott, it is never too early for me to look forward to winter :) Here is hoping here in the northeast corner of WA state will be a good cold & wet one.

  2. Scott, we here at Associated Snow Removal appreciate the winter weather outlook. We also appreciate the "facts" you give us. You all keep on track with good data, your audience will be a better informed group. I have been involved with weather for over 30 years, airplane pilot, your group has a large job to perform as there are many mini climates in NE Ohio. Then throw in the moisture from the great lakes, well that is quite a mix.



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