If your not a baseball fan then you might not know what a "Perfect Game" is. Imagine getting every hitter out--all 27 of them. Since 1876 (the start of organized Major League Baseball), there have been more than 350,000 games played, a perfect game has occured only 17 times (0.04%). Of those 17 occurances, only 10 times in the American League since 1901. One of these occurances was on May 15, 1981 at Cleveland Municiple Stadium in front of 7,200 fans (more an 500,000 claim to be there) when Len Barker pitched one of these perfect games.
Now, an owner of a construction company in suburban Cleveland, he reminisces back 25 years ago about this great achievement that happened on the
most imperfect of nights.
Below is a picture of the signed scorebook from that night.