Through the first 12 days (Friday), how have the high temperatures faired compared to last Novomber (2009)?
The chart below shows the high temperatures for both Novembers. The red bat graph is 2009 temps, the green, 2010.
...pretty consistent comparing the two years. How about the rest of the month? Does this mean warmer temps heading into Thanksgiving? HARDLY!
I always remember what happened back in 2005 in November and December. November was very warm: AVERAGE HIGH OF 53 DEGREES!
Yet note how the temperatures went up and down throughout the month in the chart below for NOVEMBER 2005:
Very scary! This shows that the winds aloft were consistency in the high temperatures.
The weatther trended COLDER real fast...December ended up with 20+ INCHES OF SNOW IN THE FIRST 2 WEEKS!
So stay tuned on the Thanskgiving Forecast. I have a feeling its going to get colder very fast!