Lake effect snow is something that I am growing to hate. Hate is a powerful word but it fits here.

On Good Friday, the Cleveland Indians were scheduled to play their home opener. After 2+ hours of snow delays, countless trips across the infield blowing the snow off and thousands of gallons of 2-cycle fuel, the opener was cancelled and rescheduled the next day as a double header. So much for that. The double header was snowed out. So, how about a double header Easter Sunday with another game to be made up later in the year? Nope, another snow out due to the continuous lake effect snow squalls. That makes three consecutive snow outs due to more than 20 inches of snow! Now, the new "home" opener which was pushed to Saturday has been moved to Milwaukee due to horrible field conditions.

What we need now is about a week's worth of 80+ weather. That ain't happening either. Rain is forecasted for Wednesday and Thursday and again on Saturday. At this rate, baseball won't be played in Cleveland until mid-July.
At the bottom are the storm totals since the snow began falling last Wednesday at 5PM. 118 hours of continuous snow.
Yup, that sux.
Soggy field for days... oh, wait... you still have to hit temps 32º+ for a while.
Where's Nascar when you need it?
And while that's bad...
The springfield cards (AA) were snowed out in Midland, TX on the 7th.
Isn't that almost worse?
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